FIBA Europe
Tough Calls: Quarter-Finals

MIES (Switzerland) - Experts analyze all BCL games each week. In order to improve the understanding of referees' decisions and to increase transparency, we publish some of those Tough Calls, along with an explanation.


During the last minute of the 4th quarter, Black 9 attempts a field goal, the ball hits the rim and then White 50 taps the ball away from the basket. The referees call an interference and award 2 points to Black 9. After a short talk, the referees decide to use the IRS. After the review, the initial decision is confirmed.

Article 31.2.4: Interference occurs when:
A defensive player touches the ball or the basket while the ball is within the basket, thus preventing the ball from passing through the basket.

Article 16.1.2: The ball is considered to be within the basket when the slightest part of the ball is within the basket and below the level of the ring.

Outcome: Correct decision by the referees. As part of the ball was below the level of the ring, this is a basket interference. 2 points are awarded to Black 9, and the game shall be resumed with White team throw-in from their own endline as after any valid basket.


Black 77 attempts a 3-point shot. The referees call a personal foul to White 4. The ball enters the basket so Black 77 is awarded 3 points and one free throw.

Article 33.6: A player who has jumped into the air from a place on the court has the right to land on another place on the court provided that the landing place and the direct path between the take-off and landing place is not already occupied by an opponent at the time of take-off.

Outcome: Correct decision by the referees. White 4 occupied a place that was free when Black 77 took off for the shot so White 4 is responsible for the contact. The 3-point basket is valid and Black 77 shall attempt 1 free throw.


Blue 1 drives to the basket and jumps to make a lay-up. A contact with White 22 occurs. The referees call a blocking foul to White 22 and award 2 free throws to Blue 1.

Article 33.3: A defensive player has established an initial legal guarding position when:
He is facing his/her opponent, and
He has both feet on the court.

Article 33.4: When judging a charge/block situation involving a player with the ball, a referee shall use the following principles:
The defensive player must establish an initial legal guarding position by facing the player with the ball and having both feet on the court.

Article 33.6: A player who has jumped into the air from a place on the court has the right to land on another place on the court provided that the landing place and the direct path between the take-off and landing place is not already occupied by an opponent at the time of take-off.

Outcome: Correct decision by the referees. White 22 had not established an initial legal guarding position before Blue 1 had taken-off for the lay-up, also, White 22 was still moving laterally, into the path of Blue 1, whilst Blue 1 was airborne.