What are the key principles of the FIBA Game Officials Licensing?
The key principles of the FIBA Game Officials Licensing are the following:
- FIBA allocates License spots (allocations) for each National Federation
- National Federations select and submit their top-performing and top-ranked candidates
- Candidates must successfully pass the FIBA Written Test (Referees & Commissioners), a Fitness test, a medical examination (Referees only) and any other tests determined by FIBA
- FIBA processes data in consultation with the National Federations and the FIBA Regional Offices
- 3 categories of Referee Licenses are issued: Black, Green and White
- Upon the completion of registration, the FIBA Technical Commission either approves or rejects a candidate
- Once granted, the FIBA License is valid for a 2-year period
What do the FIBA Referee License categories (Black, Green & White) mean?
There are three (3) categories of FIBA Referee Licenses:
- Holders of a Black License (male and female) are eligible to officiate international games of all senior and junior levels
- Holders of a Green License (female referees only) are eligible to officiate international games for: all senior men games at sub-regional level, all senior women games, all junior games (men and women), all senior and junior level games of international preparation/friendly games
- Holders of a White License (male and female) are entitled to officiate: all junior level games at regional level; all senior and junior level games at sub-regional level, all senior and junior level games of international preparation/friendly games
There is only one category of FIBA License for Commissioners.
What are the principles of the License allocations criteria?
The number of FIBA Referee License allocations is based primarily, but not solely, on the following criteria:
- The position of the National Federation in the FIBA World Combined Ranking
- The classification of the National Federation in the FIBA List of National Federations per category/group
- nominations of FIBA Referees for FIBA Competitions in the seasons 2018-2019 and 2019-2020
- The presence of FIBA licensed Female Referees in National Federations and nominations of FIBA Female Referees in FIBA Women’s Continental Cups in the preceding two (2) seasons (2018-2019 and 2019-2020)
- The demand for international referees in the region and inclusion of National Member Federations
- The development of new international referees and the promotion of gender equality for FIBA referees.
What is the FIBA World Combined Ranking?
The FIBA World Combined Ranking is a cumulative ranking of Men, Women, Boys and Girls based on sportive results of each National Federation within FIBA competitions and games. Please note that the ranking for Men and Women (FIBA World Ranking presented by Nike) is calculated on a game-based system, whereas the ranking for Boys and Girls is calculated on a competition-based system (the latter is calculated within the scope of a two-Olympic-Games cycle and considers the points of these categories in the given cycle).
What is the FIBA List of National Federations per category/group?
The FIBA List of National Federations per category/group is based on the status of basketball in a given country, the assessment of National Federations and the potential for growth. National Federations are assessed by FIBA experts and the List is then approved by the FIBA Governance Commission.
Who decides on the number of FIBA Licenseallocationsfor each National Federation?
As per the FIBA Internal Regulations, FIBA decides on the number of FIBA Referee License allocations for each National Federation. The FIBA Regional Offices, the FIBA Referee Operations and the FIBA Technical Commission are the bodies involved in the evaluation process of candidates for FIBA Licenses.
What is the duration of the Licensed Period?
FIBA Game Officials Licenses are valid for a two-year period (Licensed Period), starting on 1 September 2021 and expiring on 31 August 2023. (Same for the next periods for 2023-2025, 2025-2027, etc.)
Can a National Federation submit more candidates than the number of License allocations?
In principle, a national member federation must submit candidates within the allocated number of License Allocations. A national member federation may apply for Additional License Allocations (a maximum of 3). However, the following conditions apply:
- The respective national member federation must submit strong professional arguments to support a request for additional license allocations
- 50% of additional candidates must be 30 years of age or younger
- FIBA may approve or reject the candidates, based on professional arguments
- If approved, the candidates are issued a White License only
Can independent individuals apply for FIBA License?
Independent individuals cannot apply for the FIBA Game Officials License. Only individuals who are actively involved in officiating and basketball activities within National Federations and who are proposed by them to FIBA will be considered as candidates for the FIBA Game Officials License.
What are the key dates for the GOL2023-25 registration?
- On 15 October 2022, FIBA will open the candidates’ registration period
- During the registration phase, between 15 October and 15 December 2022, national federations will select their best-qualified game officials and will submit their candidatures as well as all the mandatory information to FIBA
- During the testing phase, between 1 January – 15 March 2023, qualified candidates shall complete the mandatory tests: Referees - Physical Fitness Test and Written Test and Commissioners – specific Written Test
- During the final processing phase, between 1 April to 31 May 2023, FIBA will complete the analysis of all the information and the test results.
- By 15 June, 2023 FIBA will announce the Licensed List for the period 20233-2025
- On 1 September 2023, the Licensed Period 2023-2025 will start