FIBA Central Board discussed changes to the basketball rules

MIES (Switzerland) - The FIBA Central Board has met at the Patrick Baumann House of Basketball, FIBA's headquarters, marking their first meeting for the Olympic year 2024. 

Among other topics, the Central Board discussed the upcoming modifications to the Official Basketball Rules (OBR) at the meeting.

Central Board gave the green light for modifications to be made to the Official Basketball Rules, effective as of October 1, 2024. Provisions have been added or amended to the OBR regarding in particular:

  • To provide a clear definition of basket interference
  • To clarify the definition and establish distinct categories of correctable errors, when and how such errors can be corrected and authorize the use of the Instant Replay System to identify and correct the respective errors
  • Consequential amendments to game participants', scorer's and assistant scorers' duties due to the amended definition of correctable errors
  • To allow coaches to withdraw their request for a Head Coach's Challenge, providing the same flexibility as with substitutions and time-outs

Read more: FIBA Central Board focus on Olympic year in first HQ meeting for 2024
