Become a Game Official

The FIBA Game Officials Licensing takes place every 2 years.
FIBA allocates License spots for eligible National Federations based on the approved criteria.
The National Federations are responsible for selecting and submitting their best candidates: referees and commissioners.
Those candidates who meet set requirements and successfully pass FIBA tests are granted a FIBA License. Referees are granted either a Black, Green or White License. The License color defines the level of international competitions that referees can officiate. Commissioners are granted FIBA Commissioner License which is of one category only.
For the License Period 2023-2025 the registration will open 15 October 2022 and will close 31 March 2023. The registration period will comprise of three (3) phases: submission of candidates, testing and data verification.
FIBA will publish the list of licensed Game Officials by June 15, 2023. Once granted, the FIBA License will be valid for 2 years, from 1 September 2023 to 31 August 2025.
For further information, please consult the FIBA Game Officials Licensing. Should you have any questions subsequent to doing so, please contact