New Official Interpretations take effect on May 1, 2024

New version of FIBA OFFICIAL BASKETBALL RULES 2022 - OFFICIAL INTERPRETATIONS has been published. The new OBRI shall take effect on May1, 2024.


Official Basketball Rules Interpretations 2022
Valid as of 1st May 2024 (v4.0)

Article 4......... Teams
Article 5......... Players: Injury and assistance
Article 7......... Head coach and first assistant coach: Duties and Powers
Article 8......... Playing time, tied score and overtime
Article 9......... Start and end of a quarter, overtime or the game
Article 10....... Status of the ball
Article 12....... Jump ball and alternating possession
Article 13........ How the ball is played
Article 14........ Control of the ball
Article 15........ Player in the act of shooting
Article 16........ Goal: When made and its value
Article 17........ Throw-in
Article 18/19... Time-out / Substitution
Article 23........ Player out-of-bounds and ball out-of-bounds
Article 24........ Dribbling
Article 25........ Travelling
Article 26........ 3 seconds
Article 27........ Closely guarded player
Article 28........ 8 seconds
Article 29/50... Shot Clock
Article 30........ Ball returned to the backcourt
Article 31........ Goaltending and Interference
Article 33........ Contact: General principles
Article 34........ Personal foul
Article 35........ Double foul
Article 36........ Technical foul
Article 37........ Unsportsmanlike foul
Article 38........ Disqualifying foul
Article 39........ Fighting
Article 42........ Special situations
Article 43........ Free throws
Article 44........ Correctable errors
Appendix B.... The scoresheet – Disqualifying fouls
Appendix F..... Instant Replay System (IRS)