Monday Special Webinar – October 2024
Monday Special Webinar – October 2024

October 2024 MONDAY SPECIAL webinar
"Upcoming FIBA Game Official Licensing 2025-27"


The first Monday Special will introduce the upcoming FIBA Licensing program. Our host Greydy Diaz will sit down with FIBA's Global Referee Operations lead Mr. Tomas Rimkus to discuss the core structure of the program and its main targets as well as the timelines and necessary tests for the candidates. So, if you are interested in knowing how to get a FIBA Referee or Commissioner License for the next two years, please join us to learn more.

After your registration, you will receive an automatic message with the webinar details.

Monday 5 February 2024
@ 16:00/4:00pm CET (UTC+1)

Working Language: English
Duration: 45-60 min.
Q&A at the end of the session.
Mandatory registration
500 places available
The session is recorded.


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